IT Solutions Blog | Technologent

Featured Women of Tech(nologent) for May 2024: Christy Salib & Marissa Quesada

Written by Technologent | May 24, 2024

To help recognize and celebrate the women who support our company, Technologent surveys and nominates women each month to highlight. Please use this page to learn more about our monthly honorees and congratulate their efforts and stories by commenting below!

Christy Salib
Sales Support Representative

Can you describe a recent positive experience working with another woman at Technologent?
Working alongside the women at Technologent has been an incredibly positive experience. One standout example is Lisa Williams. Whenever I encounter challenges with late payments or require specific payment information, I can always rely on Lisa. Her expertise and assistance have been instrumental in securing approvals from upper management, enabling smoother operations. She is just one of the many reasons working with the Women at Technologent is a blessing.

How long have you worked in the IT industry? 
7 years this July!

List 3 adjectives that you think are most important for exemplifying your best work self:
Dedicated, Reliable, Assertive.

Name a book, movie or music album you’re enjoying currently:
Currently, I find myself constantly enjoying Adele’s music. Her voice has a calming effect on me, making her music a staple in my car.

Are there any specific quotes, sayings or lessons that are important to you?
~~ Always pray to have eyes that see the best in people, a heart that forgives the worst, a mind that forgets the bad, and a soul that never loses faith in GOD. ~~ This saying reminds me of the importance of maintaining a positive outlook and resilient spirit in all aspects of life.


Marissa Quesada
PS Operations Coordinator

Name a fun fact about yourself:
A fun fact about myself is I enjoy exploring different culinary experiences. 

How long have you worked in the IT industry?
3 Years!

What is a professional/career goal for you this year?
My goal for this year is to expand my knowledge and use it to apply to my professional development.

List 3 adjectives that you think are most important for exemplifying your best work self:
Reliable, Hardworking, Persistent.

Name a book, movie or music album you’re enjoying currently:
I am currently listening to Cowboy Carter. I am a big Beyonce fan.